Format for abstract of the paper:

  1. Title in all capitals.
  2. Should contain less than 250 words.
  3. The abstract must contain Category, Authors, Presenter, Name of the institute, Introduction, Methods and Methodology, and Results & Conclusion.4. Abstract (max 250 words) should be submitted in MS word format in Times New Roman font size 12 by email 
  4. Presenters will be notified of the receipt of their abstract by mail
  5. Presenter should indicate their preference of the mode of presentation (oral or poster). Poster should be of size height 120 cm base 90 cm.
  6. Oral presentations: 8 + 2 minutes including discussion.
  7. Last date for receipt of Abstracts is 15th September, 2017.
  8. Not more than 2 papers will be accepted from the same presenter.
  9. Scientific Committee reserves the right to assign the paper to any session it deems fit.
  10. Proof of Registration of the presenter in NASG2017 is a must for accepting any paper.
  11. There should be a mention of the category to which the presenter wishes the paper to be included.
  12. The Selection committee has the right to shift the Paper into any category based on the merit of the paper and decision of the committee shall be final.

For any further information you may visit or send an email to

Please submit the abstract, completed Application form downloaded from the website and the scanned copy of the electronic bank transfer receipt to email:

Download abstract template here: Abstract Template